EVER WONDERED WHAT PRESENT TO GIVE THAT SPECIAL PERSON? WHAT ABOUT SOMETHING UNUSUAL AND UNIQUE? All our items are GENUINE autographs. We do not knowingly sell pre-print, autopen, secretarial or stamped signatures as all our autographs are checked and double checked for authenticity before being put up for sale. BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS. The main purpose of providing a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is to provide you with a reference number which follows a paper trail so you can trace where and when the autograph was signed. It is also permanently stored in our database so the details of authenticity can be traced at any time. All our signed items are obtained either in-person, from one of the many memorabilia conventions we attend, from one of our reputable suppliers or through the post. We do not use a general picture for multiple items. IF YOU ARE PURCHASING ITEMS FINISHING ON DIFFERENT DAYS, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE CAN HOLD BACK YOUR INVOICE.

Categories: david